Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Smart Grid (SG)—Avoiding the High Tech Bubble

By Dalibor Kladar (

Recently, there’s been an increased ‘buzz’ surrounding the SG Infrastructure and what it means to the better management of energy. The rise in white papers from numerous sources, including the world’s largest professional organization -the IEEE (General Meeting, Calgary 2009)- has become more and more prevalent.

Very significant increased funding in SG projects is taking place. The U.S. Department of Energy, the Canadian and Alberta governments, and countries around the globe are providing financial support, seeing the benefits from SG technologies.

However, there are professionals who have concerns that the rush to get those funding will create another high tech bubble.

Firm Objectives, SMART Goals, Subject Matter Experts

The SG initiative sounds clear—to make energy generation, transmission, distribution and usage more efficient and reliable with a decreased impact on the environment. Everyone from operators, maintenance, protection & security personnel to engineers, planners, business decision makers and consumers all will use the SG.

To avoid high tech bubble the SG project should have firm objectives and SMART goals:
S-Specific- Obvious reference to the objectives.
M-Measurable- Measuring it means having the ability to control it.
A- Achievable- Project expectations need to be realistic.
R-Relevant- All objectives need to be referenced.
T- Times- Each goal should have a deadline.

Last but not least, a great attention has to be paid on structure of the project team. The well established subject matter experts related to project objectives must be included.

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